National Dog Adoption Month runs throughout the month of August in the United Kingdom.
During this month we will be running a series of events and promotions all aimed to raise the profile and enhance the appeal of adopting a dog.
You can help too!
If you would like to run your very own National Dog Adoption Month event, we want to hear from you.
In association with D.A.P (dog appeasing pheromone) National Dog Adoption Month will help you to put on your very own event. We will show you how to attract interest in your event, how to get press attention and how to achieve the goals we have set to help raise awareness for rescue dogs throughout the country.
Your event can be large or small but it should out to do the following:
1) Promote the concept of adopting a dog from a UK rescue
2) Promote the responsibility of dog ownership
3) Raise awareness about the benefits of adopting a rescue dog
We will provide you with your own posters and National Dog Adoption Month Event Toolkit so you have all the information you need to host a great even and help raise awareness of dog adoption.
Please contact us on 08700 114 115 or email