How You Can Help

Did You Know..National Dog Adoption Month Saw an Incredible 227% INCREASE in Dog Adoptions Last Time Round?

By helping to promote National Dog Adoption Month in ANY way you can, you help contribute to that fantastic increase. It’s with the help and collective efforts of people like YOU that dogs can find new homes.

If you run a website, post on forums and/or can visit your local vet, pet shops, dog training classes or anywhere else where people gather you can help spread the message about the positive benefits of adopting a dog.

You have full permission to use of the following widgets/graphics to place on your website or in your forum signature:

You can see an example of our dogs for adoption widget on this very site (in the sidebar on the right).

(Just copy the code below and paste in to your website – that’s it! You’re all set.)

Dogs for Adoption Widget


[Feel free to print off as many of these posters as you wish and use them at your local dog training clubs, pet shops or anywhere you feel they will help spread the dog adoption message. If you take a photo of the poster in place, we will send you a prize!]

If you have used any of our posters or web widgets please feel free to get in touch ( to let us know how you have helped us to promote National Dog Adoption Month as we would sincerely like to thank you, personally – for and on behalf of all the dogs you have helped!

National Dog Adoption month is a brand new and exciting initiative organised in conjunction with

The month aims to highlight the fantastic benefits of adopting a dog from one of the UK’s many animal shelters as well as promoting the concept and advantages of taking on a dog from a rehoming organisation.

Find your ideal adoptable dog today – search below….
